U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Bryson DeChambeau

Quick Quotes

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: It's more linksey, a lot more rolling aspects to it.

I try to have 3,000 spin on my driver to curb the firmness, but it doesn't matter. You land it in the fairway and it's still rolling forever.

No. 1 was a perfect example.

No. 18 I pulled it just a little bit left, it drew, and bounced in the rough.

So just numerous holes where you've got to play the correct shot shape with how the fairway moves and everything, and there's some off-wind holes where it's off the left.

It's just diabolical. It's a completely different test of golf than a normal U.S. Open.

Q. So you added spin to your driver?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I've been playing it 3,000 for a while now. That's why I'm not -- I would be the longest, but I have 3,000 spin to try and control it better.

Q. You used to be super low spin.

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Well, just keeping it in the fairways, that's why I have it this week. That's the main reason. I mean, you get so firm and fast on Saturday and Sunday -- look, I'm happy to shoot 68 Saturday of a U.S. Open. There's no doubt about it. That's a great score.

Just know it could have been lower. That's what we always say, right? Could have done this, could have done that.

Q. How was the golf course today compared to the last two days?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Well, it's gotten like this, where it's just used and it's gotten to where it's links style. That's the best way I can describe it. I feel like I'm playing a British Open now in a sense.

Not saying that it is, it's a U.S. Open. But it does feel a little bit more linksey.

Q. Speaking of diabolical, there are a couple long par-3s, but then 15 is extremely short.

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I'm the happiest man alive that I hit that green. With my wedge game and how fast I can move a golf club, I'm super happy that I was able to control the distance there and get it on the green.

Q. Did you take it back to a certain level?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Yeah, I took it back to just under 10:00 and I actually teed it up to create more height. I teed up a 60-degree and launched it higher.

If I had any sort of delofting or descending angle on that, more than what I had off the tee, there's no chance I could hold that green. It's a very difficult, demanding shot that's going to require something that has a lot of spin.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134058-1-1041 2023-06-18 00:35:00 GMT

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