U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Ryutaro Nagano

Quick Quotes

RYUTARO NAGANO: I'm grateful that I've been able to play well for the last three days, and to be here is amazing.

Q. What's your favorite U.S. Open memory?

RYUTARO NAGANO: Torrey Pines in 2008. I was a high school student when I saw Tiger playing in 2008. That was the most memorable.

Q. What do you think about this course has suited your game so far?

RYUTARO NAGANO: I was trying to play double bogey golf. If it goes in the rough, try to stay inside, and try to be focused on not to go over. That's how I'm trying to manage and play stable golf.

Q. You played the front nine very well, eagle on No. 8. Can you take us through that hole?

RYUTARO NAGANO: It was a great line that I wanted the birdie putt to be focused on. But the ball went to where I didn't expect it to be, to be an eagle.

Q. If you finish inside the top 15, you get an automatic entry into next year's tournament. How much would that mean to you?

RYUTARO NAGANO: I will definitely focus on that last round, not to think about that. As long as I focus on the game tomorrow, then I'll think about it.

Q. You find yourself in the top 10 going into Sunday. Reflect on that a little bit; how cool is it to be in the mix for a championship?

RYUTARO NAGANO: I played in the British Open two years ago, but U.S. Open has been always watching at home, so it's amazing to be able to be here and play with all these players. It's really exciting.

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134060-1-1041 2023-06-18 02:04:00 GMT

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