U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Cam Smith

Quick Quotes

Q. You must have had a range of emotions in that round, the way it went up and down.

CAM SMITH: Yeah, lots of good in there. I don't think there was lots of bad, either. I think it was just the golf course was tough.

Yeah, the golf course is getting firmer and faster, as I expected, and going to take some really good play to get around even, and managed to hang in there for a while and get under par, and yeah, just a bit of a poor finish, I guess, the last five holes.

Q. After you birdied 12 and 13, did you think you had yourself back on track?

CAM SMITH: Yeah, the game was feeling good all day, to be honest. It's just, like I said, the golf course is so tough, you get out of position once, it's tough to make a par.

It was a good little momentum switch and then I was really looking forward to 14, and a bogey there kind of hurts on a par-5.

Q. To have that putt go in at the end, it at least took a little upswing anyway at the end?

CAM SMITH: Yeah, I feel as though I hit lots of really good putts, especially the last three holes. Two of them were for par. It was nice to see that one drop before night's end.

Q. 3-under, still not out of it. What do you think has to happen tomorrow?

CAM SMITH: Geez, probably one of the best rounds of my life. It's going to have to take at least 5- or 6-, probably even 7-under, I think. The golf course is getting tougher, but there's still lots of wedges out there. The leaders are there for a reason, as well. They're obviously playing really good golf.

Q. What are the little things that have changed in the course that maybe the casual person wouldn't notice?

CAM SMITH: I guess as the week has gone on, obviously the greens have got firmer and faster, and there's a lot of shots that you're literally trying to hit to 20, 30, 40 feet.

I guess for the people viewing it, it probably looks like boring golf sometimes, but they're probably some of the best shots we'll hit this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134061-1-1041 2023-06-18 02:20:00 GMT

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