U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you sum up the round?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: You know, played pretty solid. It definitely was difficult out there. Just didn't hole any putts was the big thing. I hit a lot of good ones and just didn't hole anything really, was the problem.

I made a couple nice par putts, but other than that, that was about it. Just didn't really -- it was just tough to get it in the hole.

I felt like I played good, gave myself a lot of opportunities. Tomorrow I just need to roll in a few more putts.

But still, I'm in a really good position. Going to have to shoot a good number. But with the conditions the way they are, might not have to be too low, but you're going to have to shoot probably 4- or 5-under, 6-under.

Q. Six shots back now is not too much at the U.S. Open?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, it all depends on how it's set up really. If it plays as firm and fast as it was this afternoon, yeah, go out and shoot a good score, then you can definitely have a chance.

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