U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Harris English

Quick Quotes

Q. Still in the mix.

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I feel like my game is in a great spot right now, really putting well and hitting some good shots. I didn't play well on the back nine but fought through it. It's definitely the tougher of the nines.

And I feel like I'm in the mix tomorrow, so anything can happen. If I can go out and shoot a 3- or 4-under tomorrow and jump up the leaderboard and see what happens. I'm excited about where I'm at, and ready to get out here tomorrow.

Q. Playing offensive golf versus defensive golf can benefit a player, as well?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, especially that front nine. I'm not saying it's easy, but you can definitely get 3- or 4-under through six holes and get off to a good start and hang on on the back nine.

Yeah, it's tough. The pins were tougher today. The greens are definitely getting firmer, especially late in the day they were getting pretty chopped up and definitely tougher to make putts.

But it is what it is. It's kind of what you get when you're in the last group. That's why we're here. We'll be late tomorrow, so I'm hoping to take some good stuff from today and get ready for tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134064-1-1041 2023-06-18 02:54:00 GMT

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