U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Gordon Sargent

Flash Interview

Q. 1-under 69 today. You locked up low am at the U.S. Open. How does that sound?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, it's cool. It's kind of what your goal as an amateur is, just to be the low am, especially with so many amateurs here this week.

It means a lot and gives me a lot of confidence, especially going into amateur golf.

Q. You did that in your first U.S. Open. What do you think you learned about yourself this week?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, playing in my second major, just kind of wasn't as nervous as the first one but also just like you really have to limit the mistakes and just -- you have to make bogey your worst score, which I did an okay job of.

You've got to have all the shots, and it definitely exposes your weaknesses.

Q. Could you take us through your round and how the round played?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I made kind of a sloppy par on 1; was kind of front edge in two and three-putted.

Then I had a chip-out on 2, and then birdied 3, and three-putted 4, and bogeyed 5.

Was 2-over through 5.

Kind of just committed to the game plan on 6 and made a birdie, then birdied 7 and 8.

Just kind of started rolling from there.

Birdied 10 and 12 to get to 3-under, and then played three good holes.

Made some pars and bogeyed 16.

Had a good up-and-down on 17.

You probably saw what happened on 18.

I had like a two and a half footer straight up the hill that hit the back of the hole and just bounced right back to me.

Haven't seen that happen in a while, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Q. How much momentum does this give you for the rest of the summer and the U.S. Amateur coming up?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I think it just gives you confidence and also kind of shows what you need to work on. I know that my good golf, I can compete with the best and just need to limit the mistakes a little bit.

Q. So many pros say they would kill for your distance, and I'm curious what you would want in their game. If they want your distance, what would you trade?

GORDON SARGENT: They seem to just limit their mistakes really well. They don't really hit it out of position too often, and if they do, they just kind of get it back in position after that. You'll see the leaders aren't making doubles out there, and that was the key.

Kind of just the consistency and like limiting the mistakes is what I envy in their games and what I'm trying to get better at.

Q. When you say I'm going to go back and work on some stuff, is that kind of what you're talking about?

GORDON SARGENT: For sure, yeah. Just kind of hitting the shot that the shot calls for, not trying to do too much, and if you get out of position, just limiting the mistakes, like I said.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134092-1-1041 2023-06-18 22:23:00 GMT

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