U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Jon Rahm

Quick Quotes

Q. Does it ever get old to shoot a 64?

JON RAHM: No, I'll just tell you right now, it never gets old to play good golf, especially on a golf course like this one.

Had it going early, too. Only one small hiccup on 10, but we don't usually hit four-footers with four feet of break, so that was my second one of the day.

Besides that, it was a really good round of golf. Started obviously very, very hot, but then those holes 13 on, those pin locations get difficult.

I kept hitting really good shots and I was leaving pretty much pin high, and I had nothing but sliders either which way, and it was very defensive in those spots.

It was doable. Obviously Tommy Fleetwood did amazing, but you've got to hit really precise and quality shots to give yourself chances out there. Really pleased with my score, and hopefully it's enough to sneak in a top 10.

Q. What was different for you today than maybe the previous days?

JON RAHM: Well, ball-striking wise, it slowly got a little bit better each day. Yesterday went to the range in the afternoon and found a very comfortable feel that I felt like I could replicate often.

After the really positive session yesterday afternoon, I went with some confidence today and kind of took over basically where I left it off and got to that first tee with a lot more -- I wouldn't say belief, but I think it was a lot less tension in my swing today, and it showed.

Q. You've been in the leader's position before. What will they encounter down the stretch?

JON RAHM: I would say try to take advantage of all those holes up until 10, because from 11 on it's very difficult. I will say if you have a one-shot lead on 11 tee and you par in, you most likely won't lose the tournament.

There could be some birdies out there, but it would be very exceptional golf by anybody to play those holes under par.

Q. On the mental side, do you have to stay within yourself even more than you would at any other tournament?

JON RAHM: Yeah, I mean, listen, we all deal with it differently. I like to know where I stand. Even if you try not to know, the crowd usually tells you where you stand.

The golf course is enough to deal with, so you've got to basically focus on yourself. That's all you can control. Whatever you can control, which is yourself and your routine, that's all you can do.

If towards the end you need to alter your strategy because of the results, maybe you might have to.

But pars are going to be a good thing all the way around, obviously.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134093-1-1041 2023-06-18 22:27:00 GMT

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