U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Matt Fitzpatrick

Quick Quotes

Q. If you could summarize the week, how do you think it went just from day one to where you're at now?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, it was tough. It was a grind for me this week. I just did not drive the ball very well at all. That's what let me down. Billy has come off there on 18, said, "hell of a finish, top 20 in the U.S. Open driving the ball like that." That's one thing I'll never know, but yeah, it was a grind. But enjoyable nonetheless.

Q. Being the defending champion did that have any added pressure coming into this week?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Not at all. I felt like I was playing decent, just had to play my own game. Just tried to enjoy it as much as I could, knowing that I've obviously won one of these before and no reason I couldn't do it again.

Q. Coming into this being the champ that you were, what was your mindset and what were you wanting to do?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Just looking forward to the week. It was the first time obviously experiencing that. Hopefully have it a few more times in my career, but it's all a learning experience really. I felt like I didn't feel overwhelmed with it, so I think it was good.

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