U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Collin Morikawa

Quick Quotes

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I had it going early on, and that's something I didn't have the first three rounds. It was nice to get off to a good start, and just couldn't continue that, couldn't hold on to the difficult stretch of what is the back nine. It is what it is.

All week I fought, and I was very close to not even making this cut, so to produce three under-par scores, obviously not good enough to win, but it was nice to at least put in red numbers.

Q. Thoughts on playing a major, U.S. Open, in kind of your hometown of LA?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Oh, it was amazing. This was one I've been looking forward to for a while. You can always look back and you're always going to remember it, but obviously you want to make some good memories. Just to be able to play four rounds, have three 69s out there, it wasn't the end goal that I wanted, but it's still going to be really nice, obviously a good Father's Day, so I'll go hang with the family for tomorrow and then head out tomorrow.

Q. This course, LACC, is it a U.S. Open course in your estimation?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, look, I think we've got 16 years until the next one. I think it played how I thought it was going to play, and for me that's kind of what it was. Maybe the easy holes are a little too easy out here, and that's weird to say, but maybe fairways need to be brought in a little bit.

But the members have been awesome, and people I've been able to talk to, the project we're doing for the Maggie Hathaway project, this FORE Youth Project, everything that surrounded this entire week for me was a lot. It was exciting, very good, meaningful impact on the community, so when I look back, hopefully we can look back at that and realize what we did for this kind of week.

Q. The galleries, complaints are maybe it's a little too lonely or they're far away. You're obviously a local guy. Did you hear people chanting your name and supporting you?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I did. You definitely heard the few here and there. Like I think they could have packed this place a little bit more. I think you've heard that from a few pros. It is what it is. Some spots on the golf course are just impossible to get to. They just really are. But the energy was not quite as high as what I would have liked to see.

But that's all right. We're out here to just play, make birdies, and it is what it is.

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