U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Min Woo Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. 67, 5-under overall for the tournament. How do you assess the round, especially given the way you were able to bounce back yesterday?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, yesterday I just put too much pressure on myself and was actually pretty nervous in a way. My practice was so good that I kind of put a little bit of pressure on myself, and today's was a little different.

The pre-round was a little sketchy and not the best, and then you just go out there with a good mindset. Played amazing today, bogey-free. I don't have many bogey-free rounds ever so it's nice to do it at a major.

Lots of grit on that last round, but lots of good stuff, too. Played really good, and I'm really happy.

Q. At the very least you're looking at a top-10 finish today in your second U.S. Open. How does that sound to you?

MIN WOO LEE: It's amazing. Again, I don't get too many top results that often, as much as the top players, so it's really nice to do it at a major and do it at a U.S. Open.

Although people think this course wasn't that tough, I think it was pretty tough. I played my ass off for the last four days, and I'm only 5-under. The winners are slowly coming back and are around 10-under. They definitely tricked it up on the weekend, and I'm happy to get done and happy with the way I performed today.

Q. As we come down the home stretch with the leaders, what do you think it's looking like condition-wise for them?

MIN WOO LEE: It's actually pretty firm and you've got to hit the fairways. I think if you have a couple-shot lead, I think it's quite comfortable if you drive it well.

But again, it's a major. When you're trying to win a tournament, it's tough. But the best man win. It's not going to be easy for sure. You need to drive it well, especially on 14, the par-5, and then 16 and 17. They're very tough tee shots. Need to get some good vibes there and good hit there.

Q. What was the most encouraging part of your game this week?

MIN WOO LEE: I think my driving was really good. I think it helped that it wasn't tough-tough and narrow. Although I have been experimenting with balls and driver heads, I think I've found a pretty good combo right now, and it's nice to really peak at a tournament and a major.

I think driving was really good. Approach play was definitely top-notch this week. I've struggled with that, so it's quite nice to hit shots where you really want to. Yeah, and chipping and putting was pretty good. Yesterday was an exception. Didn't do that putting very good, as much as I have been doing well. But it's nice.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134097-1-1041 2023-06-19 00:50:00 GMT

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