U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Harris English

Quick Quotes

Q. Looking like a top 10 finish today. How do you feel coming out of it?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I righted the ship after a pretty poor start. Swing wasn't feeling great on the first few holes, and made I guess a decent par on 1, which was a birdie hole, and a bad double on 2.

My putter kept me in it all week, and overall it was a heck of a week. I was in the mix, and it was a good test out there. It was playing tough.

Q. Walk me through your weekend and today.

HARRIS ENGLISH: It was one of my best putting weeks Thursday through Sunday that I've had in a long time. Just didn't drive it quite well enough to contend or be around the mix. Looks like I'm going to be probably five or six short.

Overall it was great. I love these tests like this. I love these setups. It was tough out there. They got what they wanted. The course firmed up for sure, and with this wind and the sun coming out, it played tough on that back nine.

It was a heck of a week, and I'm pleased with how I righted the ship after that start.

Q. Pretty historic playing a U.S. Open in Los Angeles; what does that mean to you? How does that feel?

HARRIS ENGLISH: It's really cool. I've played this course a couple times before this week and knew how special this place was. They did a great job. The USGA set the course up great working with what they had and I thought it was a very fair test, and I thought they got a great championship.

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