U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. Even par-70. Can you talk us through your round out there today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah. I just felt like I wasn't sharp enough today to move up the board. I did a good job of keeping myself in it but I just wasn't sharp enough.

Q. What was the mentality coming into today knowing you had to gain a fair amount of ground going to a tough place and what did you think of the way the course played this afternoon?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I was trying to hit some good shots and get some looks and I felt like on the front nine I didn't give myself enough opportunities for birdie.

And on the back nine I bogeyed 11 and 12, which kind of hurt my momentum, but then I bounced back nice with a birdie on 13. It's just tough out there. You've got to put the ball in the right spots and it's tough to make putts.

But I fought hard today, and I'm obviously a little frustrated to come up short, but I put up a good fight, and Wyndham played some fantastic golf this week and so he is a well deserving champion.

Q. Can you talk about what this presented as a test for the U.S. Open, and was it a good major championship venue?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I think it's a fun golf course. I think it's kind of one of those places where you've got to hit it far. That's pretty much -- you've got to hit it really high and you've got to hit it far.

But it's a good test. You get rewarded for your good shots and you get punished for your bad ones. I think 10-under for a U.S. Open is this golf course the way it was playing this week, I think it was a solid score.

Q. Can you talk a little bit more about hitting it high and hitting it far? Why does it play that way?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Just with how firm the greens are and how the fairways are a bit softer than the greens, so if you're trying to run it up, it's kind of challenging to judge how the ball is going to bounce in that Bermuda. And then with the closing stretch being how far it is, and there are just some really long holes.

I feel like that's a lot of major championship golf, is you've got to hit it far and hit it high, and it helps when you can hit all different kinds of shots, but for the most part around a golf course like this you've just got to hit it really high to create spin to hold the greens if that makes sense.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134101-1-1041 2023-06-19 01:57:00 GMT

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