U.S. Open Championship 2023

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Sam bennett

Quick Quotes

Q. You didn't play here in '19, did you?


Q. Have you ever been here before?

SAM BENNETT: No, first time on property.

Q. Pretty consistent round overall with three birdies and the two bogeys. How did you feel about the round?

SAM BENNETT: Yeah, it was great. Going into the week I knew par is good on any hole, even the shorter holes, because they take driver out of your hands.

It's tough out here. First you've got to put it in the fairway and then a good shot might be 40 feet away. Then I was just playing conservatively into the greens and then trying to grab my two-putt. I know how much par has value this week. Bogeys aren't going to hurt, either. My goal is no double chips and no three-putts, and I did both of those today, which is solid.

Q. Tell me about the back-to-back birdies on 4 and 5.

SAM BENNETT: Yeah, that was good. I hit it in the right bunker on 4 and had 230 in and hit a 4-iron to six feet. That was probably the best birdie of my life, honestly. Then 5 just got up-and-down from the bunker and then was able to make some good pars coming in.

Q. How does this course compare to earlier in the week when you played practice rounds to now?

SAM BENNETT: Monday was pretty benign, and then Tuesday, that's when I noticed the greens speeding up. Yeah, the greens got some bounce on them for sure, but I don't think they can get them much more firm with how fast they are. But if it does, it's going to get dicey. It's changed a little bit since Monday for sure.

Q. Where is your confidence level at right now in terms of your golf game?

SAM BENNETT: It's pretty good. I've had a steady year on Korn Ferry so far. I like the test. I like this week where I don't have to go out and make a bunch of birdies like Korn Ferry where it's a putting contest where you've got to tee it in play and ball strike it.

But yeah, it's been steady, and I've had some good rest Wednesday. Tomorrow afternoon should be fun.

Q. When you get into a USGA championship, does your level rise a little bit?

SAM BENNETT: Kinda, yeah. I put a lot more into it. My prep was a little more. Korn Ferry events I try to take it pretty lightly. But Monday and Tuesday I put in some good work getting around the course, and Wednesday I didn't do nothing because I was tired from Monday and Tuesday.

This is my fourth major and had pretty good success in the last three. The people, I like playing in front of people now. It's fun. I like the U.S. Open where you're just strictly trying to grind out pars.

Q. Does this place compare to anything you ever saw growing up in Texas?

SAM BENNETT: No. Other than Oakmont. I shot 81 at Oakmont in the Am one year, and I was telling everybody this week, this is the hardest setup I've seen, and it's only Thursday. It's a really good test.

You can't describe how -- you're having a 10-, 15-foot putt, and in the back of your mind you're thinking you could putt it off the green. It's tough.

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145204-1-1041 2024-06-13 18:14:00 GMT

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