U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 14, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Sepp Straka

Quick Quotes

Q. Up-and-down day. Talk about your day.

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, it was a tough start. No. 3 I hit the flag stick, bounced back in the bunker. Unfortunately made a triple with the back bunker shot. Bogey right after that. Things weren't looking too good.

Started playing a little better. Made the ace on 9, which was really nice for one just to make an ace in a major is pretty cool, but also for the score, to kind of (indiscernible) myself a little bit.

Q. What was the club? What was going through your head?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, 7-iron. Perfect number for me. Tried to land at 185. Yeah, it was a really good swing. Middle of the face, went right at it. Yeah, fortunately rolled out and went in the hole.

Q. Celebrating with everyone?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, had one of my best friends playing with me today, J.T. He was there for my ace at Augusta during the par 3, as well. Our celebration this time was a little bit better.

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