U.S. Open Championship 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Sam Burns

Quick Quotes

Q. Sam, you had five birdies out there. Can you talk about the round.

SAM BURNS: Yeah, got off to a nice start. Birdied 3, hit a good shot on 4, just kind of came back to the front, didn't get up-and-down, then didn't hit a wedge close on 5.

It really just seemed like I had some good looks and I was able to make them. When I didn't, I was able to get it up-and-down.

Q. Can you talk about the course setup; obviously it's tough, but if you play well, it looks like there's some decent scores to be had?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think the golf course is set up extremely fair. It's obviously challenging and will continue to be as it firms up. I think if you hit quality shots and put it in the right spots, you can make some putts.

Q. What's the mindset going into the weekend, still within reach of the leaders?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think you're going to have to go out and play a couple really solid rounds, so that's kind of the goal the next couple days.

Q. Any mindset or anything you need to work on?

SAM BURNS: Not really. I think you've just got to stay patient around this place.

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145269-1-1222 2024-06-14 22:31:00 GMT

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