U.S. Open Championship 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you feel about it today versus the first two days?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Kind of similar. Just missed some putts. Missed more putts inside six feet than I have in the last month. It's kind of what it looks like. I was able to battle back on the back nine there to salvage something, but looks like it's pretty far back and going to need something really, really special tomorrow.

Q. Feel like it really hardened up today, the course?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: I mean, I think it played a little bit harder. I think they kept it pretty fair, to be honest. The greens were receptive. They weren't too firm.

I think with the wind being up a little bit more than the past couple days -- if the greens were firmer, it would have been unfair. But they were receptive. If you hit a wedge in there, it's going to hop and stop, which is pretty fair in my book for a U.S. Open.

If you left yourself in sort of decent spots, you're going to get up-and-down.

I think overall maybe the pin locations were a little tricky in some spots on certain holes, but for the most part, I thought the course was playing pretty fair.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
145311-1-1002 2024-06-15 23:08:00 GMT

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