U.S. Open Championship 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Corey Conners

Quick Quotes

Q. After missing the cut at every U.S. Open up until this week, you've had a tremendous result this week at Pinehurst No. 2. How would you sum things up?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it was a solid week overall. I was certainly motivated to improve on my record at the U.S. Open. I feel like the challenging golf courses set up well for me, and I was comfortable with the course, and I felt good about my game.

It would have been nice to get a little higher up the leaderboard, but it was a really solid week.

Q. What was the biggest takeaway from this week as we continue forward?

COREY CONNERS: I think just sticking to my game plan. I did a great job with just taking one shot at a time, not getting ahead of myself, not worrying about any upcoming holes or shots or anything like that. Just staying in the moment. Played well, and definitely a lot to take out of that.

Q. Was that the thing you were most proud of, the way you handled things mentally?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I would say I didn't let my mind wander much at all and stayed in the moment and stayed as focused as possible. It's not easy, but I felt like I did a good job.

Q. For now the math shows you are going to Paris as an Olympian. How does that feel?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I guess we'll have to wait and see. It would be quite a thrill to get back to the Olympics. Very much would love to be on that team.

Q. Maybe potentially the Presidents Cup is more so an opportunity, as well. How much of a thrill would that be?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, definitely a huge goal of mine, and it would be a huge thrill to play in Canada at home with Mike Weir as the captain. I feel like the stars are aligning for a bunch of Canadians to be on the team. It'll be a lot of fun. I'll try to keep working hard, make the team, first of all, but hopefully the Internationals can win the Cup.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
145367-1-1002 2024-06-16 22:08:00 GMT

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