U.S. Open Championship 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Ludvig Åberg

Quick Quotes

Q. First U.S. Open, obviously made history this week as the 36-hole leader. Just summarize and reflect on your week today.

LUDVIG ÅBERG: Yeah, it's been great. It's been a great experience. It was obviously very difficult. Felt like we handled it very well. It was tough. Had some freaky things happening, but other than that, I felt like it was a good experience.

Q. What are some of your big takeaways or lessons this week?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: Yeah, I guess the thing is it doesn't really get harder than this, and it's quite nice to know that, what's needed to perform on this level, on this difficult level in terms of the golf course. Although I'm experiencing these things for the first time, I'm still enjoying it, learning from them, and obviously wanting to do well.

Q. What did you think of how the course progressed over your four rounds?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: Yeah, the golf course is obviously tricky. It demands a lot in terms of approach shots, trajectories, height and spin, and obviously demands a lot of discipline and patience, as well. I feel like the course was great. It was obviously very challenging looking at the scores and the leaderboard, but it was cool to play.

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