U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Benjamin Reuter

Quick Quotes

Q. You played really well today; I think you were 5-under on your card maybe?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Yeah, it is possible. I don't know actually.

Q. Is that as well as you've played all week?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Yeah, I think today I played the best all week. I mean, it's great. Yeah, there are still some matches ahead, so it's not that it is the strokes that count for tomorrow and the day after, but it is still great, of course. I'm going with a lot of confidence to the next matches.

Q. Do you have a lot of experience with match play given you're a European kid and they tend to play more match play events in Europe?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Yeah, we play a lot of match play in Europe. But on this level, I don't think there's a difference between match play or stroke play because still have to make the best score you can. Yeah, it doesn't really matter, actually.

Maybe if your opponent is not playing really well, then you can, yeah, change your strategy or something. But yeah, it's almost the same, yeah.

Q. Have you played a lot in the States?

BENJAMIN REUTER: This is the third time, actually. I played twice at Orange Bowl and one time in the Orlando International Amateur.

Q. You were an exempt player I would take it, right?


Q. Was that a main factor for you to come over and play the junior? Are you getting ready for college?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Well, next month I'm going to college, going to Georgia Tech. So yeah, because of the exemption I'm here.

Q. How were travel restrictions for you to get here? Or have you been in the States for a little bit?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Well, my parents, they didn't come over because they were not allowed to, to come to the States, also not my coaches.

Q. So you're just here on your own?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Yeah, I am, and it was quite a long trip.

Q. Do you stay here and just get ready for college?

BENJAMIN REUTER: No, I'm going back to the Netherlands, get some vacation after this tournament and then, yeah, I'm going to Georgia Tech.

Q. That's in August?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Yeah, mid -- yeah, in August.

Q. How does a kid from the Netherlands find out about Georgia Tech? Did they come and recruit you overseas?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Yeah, they were the first school who actually were interested in me, so that's quite funny. They were on the European Team Boys Championship like three years ago, and they recruited there.

I mean, there are a lot of scouts in Europe. I think it's a good way to find the best person and as a golfer for the next step in our career.

Q. There's a lot of colleges recruiting overseas now.

BENJAMIN REUTER: Which I think it's great. It's more international instead of only Americans.

Q. You've probably played the British stuff, I'm assuming, British Boys, British Am?

BENJAMIN REUTER: Well, we were not allowed this year to go there, but the tournaments in France and Spain, Spanish Amateur and then the European Amateur Championship.

Q. How many times have you played the European Team Championships?

BENJAMIN REUTER: I played two times the boys and this year I played the men's championship.

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