U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Andrew Goodman

Quick Quotes

Q. You took control there with winning four holes in a row on the front.

ANDREW GOODMAN: Yeah. I think today was more about kind of grinding after yesterday's round. Yesterday's round was really solid and stress-free. Today was just completely the opposite. I didn't really hit it great, similar to my first round, but I was able to kind of just play my game, play really smart round of golf. When he made a couple mistakes I was able to take advantage and then just being up early kind of freed me up a little bit to finally make a couple birdies.

Q. What are some of the good things you did to take the lead?

ANDREW GOODMAN: Oh, man. I think just hitting smart golf shots. The pins were a lot tougher out there today. It was a lot tougher golf course. So I just think my length helped a little bit. Being past him, being able to see what he did. When he was able to make a mistake I was able to hit really smart shots and not make a mistake on top of it.

Q. I heard the course is firmer today; is that true?

ANDREW GOODMAN: Yes, definitely. We were kind of surprised. We hit a couple wedges on the first couple. I think the one I really noticed was the fourth hole that we thought was a wedge back into the wind and I thought it was going to be okay, and it skipped pretty hard. We were pretty surprised. But that's the way I like it. I'm happy to see that.

Q. How do you recalibrate after playing a softer course in the stroke play portion?

ANDREW GOODMAN: I mean, it's not too tough. I think you just pick your spots a little smarter. I think you -- when you have a wedge, you just play a couple yards shorter.

The main thing is when it starts to get firmer and faster, it's going to be putting that's more of a challenge, which is where I'm about to go right now. Try to figure out my speed a little bit. But that's, I think, the main thing that's going to be the challenge is the speed of the greens and not so much how firm they are.

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110539-1-1002 2021-07-21 21:48:00 GMT

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