U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

David Ford

Quick Quotes

Q. You get it going on No. 8, I think you won four of the last five holes or something like that, in that stretch. What clicked in that stretch?

DAVID FORD: He made a few mistakes and then I made a few birdies. Yeah, just putted well, and I focused in after two mistakes on 6 and 7, and yeah, I just kind of -- he made a few mistakes that were costly, and I just kind of played my game and made some birdies.

Q. Anything of length in those?

DAVID FORD: Almost. I made like a 35-foot slider on 2, but other than that, I made like a 20-footer on 12 -- yeah, just didn't miss inside eight feet, didn't miss inside -- I didn't miss a whole lot of putts.

Q. I know yesterday you wanted to get off the course on 10. You got off on 14 today. That's still pretty quick.

DAVID FORD: Yeah, that's not bad.

Q. It's hard to win 10 & 8 as you know.

DAVID FORD: Yeah, he made a few birdies early that kept me from winning 10 & 8, but it was still fun.

Q. What did your caddie do for you on the course?

DAVID FORD: She was unreal at reading greens today. She was a huge help. I think she was a little tired out there and she kept going, though.

Q. It was a good day for the top seeds. I think 15 of the 16 are going to get through.


Q. You don't see that very often.

DAVID FORD: Yeah, I think this year's juniors, a lot of the players coming in are really hot, like Dunlap and Surratt, and yeah, I think it's pretty top heavy in my opinion.

Q. Your bracket is loaded. I don't know if you've looked at it.

DAVID FORD: I just saw Surratt.

Q. Surratt is in it, Chinn is in it, Sargent is in it, Van Paris is in the bracket, Conor Gough, good Walker Cup guy. That's not a bad 32 guys in that --

DAVID FORD: Yeah, yeah, it's pretty good.

Q. How do you treat that? Do you get involved with looking at the bracket or do you just meet the guy on the first tee and you go from there?

DAVID FORD: I haven't looked at it yet. Either way, it's not going to matter really. Step up on the first tee, that guy is going to get beat one way or another.

Q. That's your mindset.

DAVID FORD: Yeah, doesn't really matter who it is. Kelly Chinn can lose 10 & 8, JVP can lose 10 & 8.

Q. Not often.

DAVID FORD: Maybe not.

Q. They can be beat, obviously, but 10 & 8 is awfully -- that's a tall order for anybody.

DAVID FORD: Yeah, we'll see.

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110541-1-1002 2021-07-21 21:57:00 GMT

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