U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Kelly Chinn

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough opponent, first round?

KELLY CHINN: Yeah, yeah. I know Brendan from before. I've played with him a few times. I knew he was a good player. But yeah, it was definitely, I guess, a little bit harder opponent than I would expect for a 64, but at the same time, though, I've just got to play whoever I play.

Q. Was it tough waiting around all day to play the first match?

KELLY CHINN: No, not really, to be honest with you. Yesterday was kind of the same schedule in terms of waking up, eating and coming here. Kind of just stuck with that. Kind of took my mind off of golf this morning, just kind of relaxed. But yeah, it wasn't too bad.

Q. Tight after the front nine, and then you birdie 10. Talk about that.

KELLY CHINN: Yeah. You know, we both played some really solid golf out there. I don't think we made a bogey on the front nine. I knew if I just continued to play my game the way I wanted to that eventually my lead would grow, which is what happened.

Q. How did you birdie 10?

KELLY CHINN: 10 was just driver down the middle, 56-degree to five feet.

Q. And then you picked up another birdie on 12?

KELLY CHINN: Yeah, that was a great drive down the middle, hit a high draw 5-wood. I thought it was just short. It was going right at the pin. I thought it was going to be close. Just in the bunker and then hit a good bunker shot, made a seven-footer.

Q. When you left the 13th green you're 4-up. Are you feeling comfortable then or where is your mind at?

KELLY CHINN: I don't know if I'm ever comfortable out there during match play. I've had matches when I'm up, and I kind of let it go away, or even the other way around when I was behind and fought back. You can't really ever feel comfortable because it's match play, anything can happen, and just like that, your lead can just shrink. So I just kind of focused on each shot, each hole, not worry about if I win this, I win the match, and I just kind of focused on each shot.

Q. Also you saw a different golf course than you did the first two days. Talk about how that played.

KELLY CHINN: Yeah, it's definitely harder. I was flying it a lot farther out there today. My coach and I knew that going in. There were a few holes on the front nine where we were still on the green, but 20 feet long, 30 feet long, and just kind of adjusted with that going into the back nine. Yeah, it's definitely firmer, hotter, so the ball will definitely go farther.

Q. How do you recalibrate quickly when you go from a softer course to a firmer course?

KELLY CHINN: It's more just trusting that it's going to go further than anything else. And it helps that during the practice rounds it was this kind of weather and I kind of saw how the ball jumped off the face, how it jumped on the greens. I think just being comfortable and confident that this is the right club. Once I figure out after a few holes, you kind of get a feel for it.

Q. Are you comfortable where you're at right now heading into the next round?

KELLY CHINN: I do, yeah. I played some really solid golf today. I putted really well, and for match play, putting is really key. If I keep striking the ball how I am right now and get some putts to drop, I think I'll be in good shape.

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