U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Kelly Chinn

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough match today, very competitive.

KELLY CHINN: Yeah. Luke played some good golf. I thought I played some good golf, too, but too many mistakes out there. Match play is all about the least amount of mistakes. I missed three putts inside four feet and hit one in the water on 16, and that right there is -- that's four shots. You just can't do that.

Q. I know this doesn't line up with what you wanted to do this week, but how do you get over something like this?

KELLY CHINN: You know, just look forward, kind of learn from it. I've got the U.S. Am coming up, so just stay positive, try my best.

Q. Take me through the last two holes.

KELLY CHINN: Yeah, I played a good 17th hole, especially after his tee shot. Honestly after 18's tee shot, too. He hit it over the water, had like a 9-iron in or something like that. I definitely kept up with his distance, even though I had nowhere near his yardage with my approach shots. I'm proud of that for sure.

Q. You had a 4-iron, what yardage were you looking at?

KELLY CHINN: It was like 220.

Q. And then you're looking at a downhill putt for eagle. Tell me what you were looking at there.

KELLY CHINN: Yeah, we picked the line with kind of like die-in speed. These greens are so slick, and especially downhill, downgrain, you can't -- kind of have to just be gentle with it. I thought I was gentle with it, but these greens can get away from you if you make a little mistake.

Q. On the four-and-a-half-footer coming back, it kind of hit the back of the hole?

KELLY CHINN: Yeah, that's kind of what I've been doing all day today. On 1 and on -- whichever hole that was, on I think 11. Just a little firm for the line, I guess. I've just got to take it -- yeah.

Q. What did he do well today?

KELLY CHINN: Drove the ball really good, hit some really good approach shots and made the putts. He made his fair share of putts. I made a lot of good 10- to 15-footers, but he was consistent all day, so yeah.

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