U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Conor Gough

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about the up and down of that match.

CONOR GOUGH: Yeah, it was very up and down. I started strong today, started with a birdie on the first and went to 2-up through I think it was 4. Yeah, it was just good. The back end of the -- the front end of the back nine really, he pulled a few shots back and I just had to stay patient. I knew I was playing good golf, so I just stayed patient and I knew a few putts would drop. I made about a 30-foot putt on I think 15, which was good to go 2-up with three to play. Then he got one back on 16, then he eagled 17, so I was 1-up with one to play.

I was like, stay patient. I'd been driving it well all day, so just ripped a drive, had a 9-iron in and just two putts for the win. So really pleased with myself today.

Q. Was that the plan, to go over the water off the tee on 18?

CONOR GOUGH: Yeah, I was talking with my caddie and the wind was with us. I think it was 300 to carry, and I was like, I've been hitting driver all day, and it's time to take advantage of how well I've been hitting it.

Q. What was the yardage in on the 9-iron?

CONOR GOUGH: I had 150. It was 10 yards uphill, just gripped down 9-iron into it.

Q. Obviously you advanced, but how do you feel you're playing as you move forward in the bracket?

CONOR GOUGH: Yeah, I'm hitting the ball really well. Tee to green, I'm playing really, really well. If a few putts can drop, I'm feeling very confident.

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