U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Gene Zeigler

Quick Quotes

Q. How thrilling an ending is that, especially when you watch him make that bomb for birdie?

GENE ZEIGLER: Well, I was kind of on the back of my green talking to my caddie, and I told him, I said, "I've got to expect him to make this putt." Yeah, you kind of had to have the mindset that you needed to make that putt either way because that's kind of how match play is. You've got to expect the unexpected and the unexpected happened there.

Q. You had a little unexpected happen on 17, too, where he drove the green and then your putt didn't quite go down.

GENE ZEIGLER: Yeah, well, he took a big risk, and he was rewarded for it. If that ball landed on the green, it would have gone over into the fescue. I thought I had made the right play and hit kind of a poor chip.

Overall I was kind of happy with the way I played that hole, and he made a great birdie, so kudos to him for going for it.

Q. When you eagle a hole to win a match, what kind of momentum does that give you now going into the next round?

GENE ZEIGLER: It's just one match at a time. I'm going to have to settle down a little bit after that putt. I can kind of feel the adrenaline pumping through my body when I made that.

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