U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Gordon Sargent

Round of 16

Quick Quotes

Q. You won three of the last four holes. Take me through that stretch.

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I was 1-down through 13 and just like -- I was playing good golf. He chipped in for eagle on 12. I didn't really feel like I got too many breaks because I got a little frustrated and just told myself to regroup and just play him straight up the last couple holes and beat him, at least get to extra holes. Started making a few putts in there, and it worked out my way.

Q. You're in the quarterfinals of the biggest junior tournament in the world. How does that feel?

GORDON SARGENT: It's pretty special knowing that I'm only a couple matches away. All these players are so good. We were making a joke that our whole Wyndham Cup team was playing this week and they all made match play. To be able to say I beat some of these players, it really means a lot.

Q. What are your thoughts on the back nine of Dogwood because you've done pretty well there, especially in this match?

GORDON SARGENT: I think you have to stick to your game plan, can't try and force it even if you get a couple down. There's some holes where par will win the hole, so I think you've just got to trust it and go and play your game.

Q. Going into tomorrow strategy-wise, how does your game feel? Anything you're going to change?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I'm hitting it really well, just need a few putts to fall. Luke is a really good player. We can have fun out there. We're good friends, too. Should be a fun one.

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