U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Nicholas Dunlap

Quick Quotes

Q. Playoff win, obviously exciting. How does it feel?

NICHOLAS DUNLAP: It's unbelievable. That kid, he hit some unreal golf shots. I mean, he had a really good up-and-down on 16. We both birdied 17 and both birdied 18. I really thought he was going to make it on 1, and it just kind of switched the momentum and it gives you life on 2, and hit a perfect putt on 2. It was amazing.

Q. Obviously you were 4-up earlier. How did you come back from losing that lead at first and eventually giving yourself a chance to win?

NICHOLAS DUNLAP: You know, we had a little hold-up on 9, an older gentleman had heat stroke or something, and we sat there for about 35 minutes, and I think it kind of gave him a chance to just settle down, and he came out and just striped it. I knew kind of later in the match that I was going to have to do something great to end it.

Q. How did that winning putt feel? It was a long one.

NICHOLAS DUNLAP: It was. It was probably -- actually I've had that putt twice so far this week, and I knew exactly where it was. Hadn't made a long one yet this week, and couldn't have been a better time for it.

Q. Now that you've survived such a close match, a 20-hole playoff, how is that going to help you going forward do you think?

NICHOLAS DUNLAP: It helps a lot. Even the match before I think I was 5-up and he battled back, and had to birdie 17 to end it. I think these close calls are going to help me a lot, either for tomorrow or for the days after, just preparing for these next couple matches.

Q. So U.S. Junior Am quarterfinalist, how does that feel?

NICHOLAS DUNLAP: It's awesome. Not over yet.

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110635-1-1002 2021-07-22 23:36:00 GMT

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