U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 23, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Cohen Trolio

Quick Quotes

Q. The match was tight pretty much the whole way. What do you feel was the turning point?

COHEN TROLIO: Shoot, I was down until -- I got it back to all square on 9 and then went back down on 10, then I was down 11, 12, won 13. Hit it tight on 14. Then he made like a 60-footer, and I made birdie, so we tied it. Then I made about a 12-footer up the hill on 15 to go 1-up, and that kind of got him pretty good. I'd say, yeah, 15 green definitely a turning point.

Q. Tell me about 15th hole. You hit three pretty much perfect shots.

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, I did. Yeah, was it money. Just kind of get in the moment, and man, just do it, whatever you do, and it turned out to be pretty solid for me.

Q. What kind of confidence did that give you winning the 15th hole and being 1-up with three to play?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, it was good. I mean, shoot, it's kind of do the thing that I did the whole round, even if it was 1-down with three to go, 1-up with three to go, kind of do the same deal. But yeah, definitely gives you a little bit of head space.

Q. Second straight close match; what are you telling yourself in these moments where it's just back and forth?

COHEN TROLIO: Just keep on hitting it. Go hit it and find it and then hit it again, really. It's not much to really think about, to be honest.

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