U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 23, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Jonathan Griz

Quick Quotes

Q. You had a couple of leads in this one. What happened?

JONATHAN GRIZ: I mean, we both played pretty solid all day. I just missed -- I was 1-up or I was -- I missed the putt on 12, the par-5, to win the hole, and then I gave him one on the par-3. I hit a bad iron shot. But besides that, it was all solid down the stretch. Besides those two, that was it right there. At this level you can't really do that.

Q. 18 off the tee, a little right?

JONATHAN GRIZ: Yeah, I actually hit a really good tee shot on 18. I didn't know I could go over the water because the wind was off the left. It wasn't downwind. It's like 305 carry, so it's kind of a big carry. I actually hit it pretty on line where I was trying to, but it flew 310 over that bunker and I was in that rough and I was dead over there.

Q. The lie was -- it sunk down?

JONATHAN GRIZ: Oh, my gosh, it was so deep. Then hit it out, and I hit a great out, and I had 146 pin on the last hole, and I absolutely flagged it. I mean, it was perfect from my angle, and then I got up there and it was long, and I was shocked. I don't know how I flew a pitching wedge 146 up that hill.

Q. The putt looked good when it left your club?

JONATHAN GRIZ: I thought I hit the perfect putt. I walked after it, too. Then I just conceded his birdie putt because he could have two-putted from there. He's not going to three-putt from there.

Q. Everyone always second-guesses things that happen in a match when they lose. Is there anything you would have done differently?

JONATHAN GRIZ: No, I felt like I committed to pretty much every single golf shot I had. It just didn't go my way. I hit great shots down the stretch, it's just putts didn't go in.

Q. You'll have time to reflect later, but what about this whole week into the quarterfinals? How do you feel about the whole week?

JONATHAN GRIZ: Oh, I'm grateful. It was a great week. Played some of the best golf of my life this week, and I learned a lot. It's tough to walk away losing in the quarterfinals. It definitely stings because I was right there, I was beating him most of the day, as well. I got to 2-up pretty early. It's tough.

Q. What will you do between now and going to Oakmont for the Amateur?

JONATHAN GRIZ: Well, I've been on the road for a while, so I'll probably take a day off and try and regroup a little bit, but just keep practicing doing the same things and get ready for Oakmont.

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110657-1-1002 2021-07-23 15:42:00 GMT

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