U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 23, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Cohen Trolio


Quick Quotes

Q. I saw some good chipping and putting out there. What did you think today?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, it was good, pretty good all the way around. Obviously out here you're going to have some chips, going to have some putts. Just the way of the length of the golf course.

Yeah, it was all pretty good all the way around, but I'm super pumped.

Q. Did you feel like you elevated your game today?

COHEN TROLIO: No, I'd say match play is -- you know, it's kind of -- you've just got to hang in there. When that guy starts throwing it in the air hitting darts saying you've got to make birdies to beat me, I made birdies to beat him. That's kind of how that went.

Q. Going back to the ninth hole, tell us about that chip where he basically gave it to you from in front of the green.

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, it was a good pitch shot. I left myself a pretty easy look at that. We hit chips in the practice round towards that, and just picked out a good landing area and landed it on top of it.

Q. What club was that?

COHEN TROLIO: It was a 56.

Q. And then you hit another good one here back at the 12th hole to about 18 inches.

COHEN TROLIO: That's right, out of the rough. Downgrain rough isn't too bad out here.

Q. Same club?


Q. How do you feel your game is overall now heading into the final?

COHEN TROLIO: It's good. Just keep the body tight and keep the brain solid and we'll see what happens.

Q. Do you pay attention to what's going on in the other match at all or is it all about what you're doing?

COHEN TROLIO: No, it's all about what I'm doing.

Q. That putt on 3 really seemed to energize you. What did that do for your game out there?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, he really stepped one in on No. 1. I saw him make that, so I figured I might give it right back to him, and I just was patient enough until No. 3 to give it back.

Q. You came in sort of late; how has this two weeks been for you? Obviously it's probably been a whirlwind for you?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, I've been playing super solid golf for the last couple months. This week just kind of hit the flow. I finished fourth round at the Southern, kind of literally hopped on a plane, flew here, played a practice round on Dogwood the next day. It was just kind of the same flow.

Q. These type of courses, you just seem to be -- something that you're comfortable with, especially with what you did a couple years ago at Pinehurst and now what you're doing here.


Q. Is that something you're used to because of what you grew up on or is it something you've adapted to?

COHEN TROLIO: No, it's kind of like every little golf course has its puzzle pieces. I kind of -- we broke these down pretty well. I can just kind of stick to what I do and the puzzle pieces fit together pretty good.

Q. You mentioned you took that flight here right after that. What was it like flying back here in this area where you've had success previously?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, it was cool. It just brings back some good memories. I take what I learn from that experience into this one.

Q. Have you met either of these guys before?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, they both -- I'm super good friends with both of them.

Q. How about in match play? Have you met either one of them?

COHEN TROLIO: Me and Potter have played some good -- not tournament matches. We played for some -- yeah, we've played. Me and him got some good ones. It'll be fun tomorrow.

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