U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 23, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Luke Clanton


Quick Quotes

Q. I know that wasn't probably the ending you wanted, but you got off to a great start. You figured, here we go, another birdie-fest like you've had the last three rounds?

LUKE CLANTON: Yeah. Yeah, it just didn't go my way today. I can't really say anything else. I just didn't perform nearly good enough. Congrats to Cohen; Cohen played really well. I hope he pulls through and wins the championship match. He deserves it, as good as he played today.

Q. You've been on such a roll. To beat the three guys that you beat before today, did you feel good in your warmup session, did you feel like, hey, I can keep this going, my momentum is great?

LUKE CLANTON: Yeah, it was the same thing, it felt great. I just didn't perform as good as I should have.

Q. Was it just a matter of putts or was there something else in the game that --

LUKE CLANTON: I just couldn't get it rolling. That's about it basically.

Q. How would you sum up your week, considering what you accomplished early in the rounds and beat the quality of talent that you beat?

LUKE CLANTON: It was an awesome learning experience, but it's a tough one to really handle. I really wanted to win this one. But you know, can't do anything else about it.

Q. You're 17, correct, so you've got another chance next year?


Q. What do you think you'll take in terms of when you go into next year at Bandon from this year that will help take you to another level?

LUKE CLANTON: Be patient, don't get ahead of yourself and play good golf. That's it.

Q. Cydney Clanton, what cousin is that for you?

LUKE CLANTON: I think it's my second cousin.

Q. Do you talk a lot with her?

LUKE CLANTON: Not a lot, no. We haven't really talked much, but hopefully I get to play golf with her soon.

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