U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Christiaan Maas

Quick Quotes

Q. Looked like you had a stretch with four birdies in a row around the middle of the round, or at least you won four holes in a row.

CHRISTIAAN MAAS: Yeah, I just missed my birdie putt on 6, the par-3, and then 7, hit it to four feet. Made a good birdie. I almost jugged the 8th hole. I think chipped it to a foot or two feet. Easy birdie on 9. 10, a good up-and-down just short left of the green, so yeah, I had four birdies in a row then, and he made a mistake on 11, so then I won five holes in a row.

Then yeah, a bit disappointed I didn't birdie the 13th hole. I could have finished it off there. I was just left of the green and I chipped just short of the slope, and then he made birdie. Then we both hit it close on the 14th hole, so yeah.

Q. How do you feel your game is at right now heading into the round of 32?

CHRISTIAAN MAAS: Yeah, it was good today. It was flawless golf. It was better than the last couple -- than the stroke play rounds. Yeah, hopefully I can build on that and make no bogeys again.

Q. Before the 7th, 8th hole, was there a hole towards the back where it was back and forth where it was a key tie hole or a key win hole for you?

CHRISTIAAN MAAS: Well, the 1st hole he had a bogey putt of four feet and my birdie putt was eight feet, so I won that hole. Basically with a par. No. 2, he made a good par putt to halve the hole. Then 3, my birdie putt just lipped out. He made birdie on me. Then 4th hole just made par. I made a good par, he made bogey. Yeah, I just made pars the first couple of holes and then he gave one or two holes and then I started making birdies.

Q. Through a few rounds now on the Bandon Dunes course, what are your thoughts of this place? Is this your first time at Bandon?

CHRISTIAAN MAAS: Yeah, it's a fun place. The type of golf is -- it's very wide. It's a very forgiving golf course, but the wind can make it challenging, especially on the greens and around it, so yeah, we'll see what it holds for tomorrow.

Q. How were conditions today compared to the two rounds of stroke play?

CHRISTIAAN MAAS: Oh, today was as easy as it gets. There was no wind, not at all. Yeah, a lot of the holes were playing a lot shorter and a lot different than it was playing in the stroke play. So yeah, that was fun to see.

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