U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Luke Potter

Quick Quotes

Q. Going up against a good friend of yours in the round of 16, when did you realize you were going to play him and what was that like?

LUKE POTTER: We were hitting balls yesterday afternoon, and I was like, well, if we both win our matches tomorrow, we're playing each other. I played every round of high school golf with him, so I was pretty much champing at the bit to get a chance to tee it up against him.

Q. You got off to a hot start. Just walk me through the round from the start.

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, so I've been kind of looking for some wind all week, and walking around this afternoon we got some.

I'm confident enough in my ball-striking that I can flight it and kind of make it do what I want most of the time. I hit a couple nice shots to start, and the putting has been great all week. I can pretty much just lean on that, and I did.

Q. Is it more fun out here when the wind is blowing?

LUKE POTTER: Yes and no. It's fun when it's windy enough to make it hard, but once you're like moving around when you're putting, it makes it tough. But that's the good part about wind; that's what I signed up for.

Q. Just describe what it was like playing against a high school teammate and a good friend of yours.

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, I've known Caden for like five, six years now, and we practice together every day at La Costa. We're very competitive on and off the course. Anytime you get a chance to tee it up with him at a tournament, it's going to be a good time, but at the same time you've got to stay focused on what you're doing, and it's just another opponent. Stick to your game plan, just fairways and greens, and I did just that.

Q. In the quarterfinals now of the Junior Amateur for the second straight year; what does that accomplishment mean to you?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, it means a lot. Match play is really tough because you can go against someone who just has a great day and you can get beat. To be very consistent and play some great matches this year and last year means a lot.

Q. Going back to the front nine when you jumped off to the big lead, which of the holes that you won were birdies? Did any of them really stick out as a big kick start?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, so I think 7 I made birdie, but we both hit it really close. I was about five feet, he was about 10 feet, and he just missed. I was 4-up at that point. When I made that putt, I kind of knew things were going in the right direction.

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