U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 29, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Luke Potter

Quick Quotes

Q. The putt on 18, I thought it looked good the whole way. Did you?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah. You know, that's the tough part. You practice your whole life, and just kind of looking at it, I was like, wow, this is going to be sweet. I was preparing my fist pump pretty much. I was like, this is going in. Been putting great all week.

I hit a good putt; that's all you can do. It took a hard left turn at the end, but that's golf. That's what I signed up for.

Q. What club did you hit that second shot? Was that 3-wood?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, it was 3-wood. I usually play a fade, so it was just start at the left edge of the green and let it fade towards the middle. I slightly pulled it, but I still thought that wind would have taken it at least to the front edge or on, and it just never came back. That was a bit of a mistake. You can't short-side yourself, especially left on that hole, just chipping straight downwind.

I hit a good pitch, but that's all you can do, you just need a putt at it.

Q. Back-and-forth match. You guys are two of the top-ranked players in the field. What was his play like and what was your play like today?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, you flushed it. He didn't miss a shot. But you've got to expect it. He's actually going to ASU next year so I'll be seeing more of him. But he has a great game, and I'd certainly bet on him to win this thing.

Q. Have you guys gotten to know each other much with the ASU connection or not really?

LUKE POTTER: Not really. I met him yesterday. We've got to work on that English, but he's a great player, and I'm looking forward to practicing against him every day, so yeah, it should be fun.

Q. You've got the U.S. Am coming up. What else is on the schedule?

LUKE POTTER: I'm going to the Western Am right after this. Going to Chicago. That should be awesome. I love golf in Chicago. It's more my style. But I wish I could stay be playing this afternoon.

Q. U.S. Am, have you seen Ridgewood?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, I've seen Ridgewood on TV. They had the FedExCup event there. But not much really. I'm going to go on YouTube and look at the holes or something. But I'm looking forward to it. I've heard a lot of great things about that place.

Q. Just any other takeaways from the week this week? Just an impressive quarterfinal finish for you.

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, there's always room for improvement. I hit some great shots and I hit some not-so-great shots. But I left it all out there. I played solid and just got beat. The last thing you want is to just not play good, and I played well. Six birdies, one bogey. That got it done yesterday, that's for sure. But he's a better player and this is the quarterfinals, so just got to be better. But I'm happy with my junior career.

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