U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 29, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Nick Dunlap

Quick Quotes

Q. Let me take you through a couple things here. You were in at least mild trouble at least twice on the back side and you extricated yourself.

NICK DUNLAP: My heart is still beating. Yeah, I made a -- I got a bad break on 8. I'm not sure if you saw what happened, but the ball sat on the hole or sat on the hole too long and eventually fell in after the time limit. Then hit it in a bunker on 9. Hit a great drive, made a really big putt on 10 and 11, then the putter just kind of started to heat up. Great putt on 13, great putt on 14, good save on 15.

Yeah, he made an unbelievable putt on 16. From 15 feet, you've got the ocean breeze coming off your left, made a great putt, and then obviously the putt on 17 -- like 1-up, you're not trying to make a birdie, and he hit a great shot in there about three feet, sent it to extras.

Hit my drive a little left on 18. Didn't have the greatest lie ever, tried to get an 8-iron on it, kind of topped it out, had 240, got it to I don't know how long that putt was, 100 feet or something like that, and just praying for a chance. Fortunately I got one and was able to send it to extras.

Q. What were you seeing on that last 54-footer?

NICK DUNLAP: I just kind of -- we both kind of agreed, get it left of the hole, it'll kind of funnel it, and then the last 15 feet it's going to drift right, a little quick, and once it got about five, six feet out -- it was great speed the whole time. Once it got about five, six feet out, I thought I made it.

Q. How do you keep your focus when he's throwing some haymakers at you? That was a dart in there on 17.

NICK DUNLAP: I've been getting it all week. I mean, William Love did the exact same thing to me on 17 yesterday, and you've got to expect people's best. You've got to expect them to do what they're going to do, and you've just got to play your game.

Q. Let's talk about your putter a little bit --

NICK DUNLAP: It got hot.

Q. I had like 22 feet on 11 for par.

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, it was a long putt. It was probably 20 feet. Left it way short. Kind of figured it was one of those putts, like he had an easy putt and I thought if I didn't make it he was probably going to make it, and obviously making it, it makes his putt a little bit harder.

Yeah, you make a 4, and it feels like a birdie.

Q. On 14, I had about 24 feet for birdie, but that thing was really moving when it hit the hole.

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, I kind of struggled with my speed a little bit, shockingly, even with these two putts. But it was kind of one of those putts I feel like you can bang in the back, and obviously it did have a little bit of speed to it. I appreciate the hole getting in the way of it.

Q. Your next opponent is Caleb Surratt. I don't know if you've played match play with him --

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, I've played the last year and a half, pretty much every event with him. I know what he's got. He's playing good, and it's going to be a good match.

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