U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 29, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Nick Dunlap

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me what happened in this one. You got down like you usually do, but this time it wasn't meant to be to come back.

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, 2-down through 5, I thought I made -- I lipped out like a 35-footer on 6, and he got up-and-down from nowhere. It was a little bit of a gut punch. I had my opportunities.

Birdied 8 and 9, kind of tied the hole. Had an opportunity on 10, let it slide. I didn't see 11 going the way it was going.

I thought I hit a great shot on 12 and didn't get the great end of it. Same thing on 15. I hit it right at it. I don't know where the ball was, but it had to have been good at one point. It's just what it is.

Q. Did your putting stroke feel the same as it did this morning?

NICK DUNLAP: You know, I misread it on 11. It went one way, it was kind of coming back the other way, then misread it. 12 was a bad putt, and 13 and 14 was a bad putt and a bad read.

Q. You guys have so much familiarity. He thinks you guys have played against each other maybe 15 times in a final group situation?

NICK DUNLAP: It's been a lot. Yeah, it's been a lot.

Q. You guys know each other's games so well; what did you expect going into this match?

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, I mean, he's a great player. Like I said, I had my opportunities, and I knew that. He's a polished player. He's playing really well, and I just didn't have it.

Q. What about the week overall? It's hard for defending champions to even get this far. It's been since 2006, if you can believe that, since a defending champion has gotten to the semifinals. What's that say about you?

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, I mean, I didn't have my best stuff obviously coming into this week, haven't been playing great. Just kind of found something and went with it. Like we talked about earlier, I had everybody's best shot. Had a lot of matches come down to the end. To make it to the semis, I just wish I would have had my stuff today.

Q. I know you weren't playing your best and you've had some injuries coming into this, but did you gain some confidence for the rest of the year?

NICK DUNLAP: For sure, yeah, for sure. I'm still questionable if I'm going to play the Western Am coming up and then obviously I'll play the U.S. Am. Looking forward to it.

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