U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 29, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Wenyi Ding

Quick Quotes

Q. It took a few extra holes, but you're on to the U.S. Junior Amateur championship final. What's going through your head right now?

WENYI DING: Feel really excited but also tired. A lot of mistakes with driver. That's why I have to play the playoff.

Q. I know you had the mistake, the driver mistake on 18, so you went extra holes. Then tell me what was going through your head when you were in the bunker on the first playoff hole. That was a heck of a shot to end up saving par.

WENYI DING: I just want carry the bunker, but the wind is just from right to left. Maybe it's down the fairway but kick into the bunker.

Q. Talk about that bunker shot you hit on to the green. It was an impressive shot, and then to still save par to force an extra hole.

WENYI DING: Actually it's not really hard to play that shot. I'm trying to get a birdie. I did it in the third hole. It was the same distance, yeah.

Q. Talk about the conditions a little bit; how much of a factor was the wind out there today?

WENYI DING: I think a lot. I haven't played a course like this that's so windy. The wind is strong. For 30 holes, for today the first time, I use 7-iron and maybe (indiscernible).

Q. It's a lot of wind out there. Have you played in many events when the wind is blowing this hard?

WENYI DING: No. No. Some courses windy but not too windy.

Q. I heard you came to the U.S. and played in a U.S. Open qualifier. How long are you going to be here?

WENYI DING: Maybe before December.

Q. What other tournaments do you have besides the U.S. Amateur that you are exempt into? The Western?

WENYI DING: No, because the time is not enough. After the U.S. Amateur is the Junior Presidents Cup. After that is a team game in France. I forgot the name. Maybe World Amateur Team Championship.

Q. Yeah, world Amateur Team Championships in October maybe?

WENYI DING: September.

Q. Tomorrow you're in the final. You're going to be playing for a spot in next year's U.S. Open. How excited are you to tee it up tomorrow?

WENYI DING: I just want calm down and try to get back my energy. That's most important, and don't think about the championship.

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