U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Wenyi Ding

Quick Quotes

Q. You're the champion of the 74th U.S. Junior Amateur. What's going through your head right now?

WENYI DING: Actually from the morning I felt really tired. I think, Just be happy. After the first round, I feel really good, and I think I'm going to win this.

In the second round, I'm on fire, but actually 11th hole is maybe the last hole for the match, but I made a lot of mistakes.

Q. How were you able to stay calm out there when he was coming back and winning those holes?

WENYI DING: Just tell me, calm down. But I don't think no one else is useful. You're supposed to tell him I'm going to be --

Q. Was your caddie helping you out there?

WENYI DING: Yes, really much. My caddie told me, just calm down. You have the advantage. He is nervous and he's more nervous than you, so you're going to win.

Q. You're going to play in the U.S. Open next year, the 2023 U.S. Open at LA Country Club. Are you excited?

WENYI DING: Yes, must be there. Yes, really excited.

Q. Talk a little bit about the first 18, how you were able to get up 3 and how you were feeling at the break.

WENYI DING: After yesterday's second round, I think, just be happy. Both of us already made the first round, so at least I would be same as him. So maybe I could do better.

Q. Is there a shot that sticks out today for you that's going to be a memorable one for the championship? A key shot from today?

WENYI DING: Actually I think it's No. 10. I used driver, and after that, 70 yards to the win, and I finished with one yard, and that's a birdie and 8-up. Yes, I think I'm already done. But after that there's a lot of mistakes.

Q. When you play in the U.S. Open next year, are there some players that you would want to play a practice round with? Are there some players you're excited to meet at the U.S. Open?

WENYI DING: Yes, a lot, like Collin Morikawa, Scottie Scheffler, maybe Tiger Woods.

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