U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Tommy Morrison

Quick Quotes

Q. You're the first top seed to get to the quarterfinals since 2017; how does that sound?

TOMMY MORRISON: News to me. I didn't know that. It feels good, yeah. I'm very pleased with where my game is at. To advance to the round of 8, it's a good start, and I look to keep pressing on.

Q. What did you do well today to get through these two matches?

TOMMY MORRISON: I think I just stayed steady, especially this afternoon. I gave myself a lot of looks and hit enough fairways to put pressure on. That's a big deal in match play.

This afternoon was just very steady. I don't think I made any bogeys this afternoon. It went a long way.

Q. You won with pars early on. Any of those pars really good ones that you were proud of?

TOMMY MORRISON: I wouldn't say I was proud of. Maybe on the first hole. First hole was a good par. I hit it pretty far left off the tee and two-putted from about 70 feet. First hole.

But other than that, I would have liked to have made a couple more birdies early on. But they were good pars.

Q. Did you feel like you got stronger mentally? I know you were a little concerned yesterday about where you were.

TOMMY MORRISON: I do, yeah. I feel better. I feel like I'm in a better space. I'm staying out of my own way. I feel like I'm in my own little zone. It needs to stay that way.

Q. When you say you want to stay in your zone, what exactly does that mean?

TOMMY MORRISON: Just little things like understanding where I'm at throughout the day, understanding that a hole isn't over until everybody finishes out, even when it looks like it's your way or not.

Not getting ahead of myself is the key to staying in my own zone or staying in my own box.

Q. I know off the tee is important on this golf course; where do you feel you're at right now with the driver, and has that been a key for you?

TOMMY MORRISON: Yeah, I feel good. I think that's been an advantage in these matches. I've had a little more length than everybody I've played with, and I've hit enough fairways, especially on the par-5s, to where it puts a lot of pressure on. My driver is in a great spot, and it feels great.

Q. In terms of preparing for this championship, how do you think spending that spring semester at the University of Texas helped you for this week?

TOMMY MORRISON: I think Coach Fields and my team at Texas and Coach Henson and everybody around me at the university has taught me to compartmentalize better. It's taught me to get in a routine and stay in a routine, and that's helped me in this championship in terms of preparation and doing the things I need to do. Maybe some of the stuff that I didn't do in junior golf that I learned in college through my team that has really helped me in a big way this week.

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