U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Will Hartman

Quick Quotes

Q. Big win; you won five of your last six holes. Talk me through the match.

WILL HARTMAN: I mean, Carson is one heck of a player. He did not make it very easy early on. It was a struggle going on the first nine holes, but my caddie just told me to keep with it, and eventually it'll happen, and I'm just glad it did.

Q. What was going through your head when you were down two heading into 11?

WILL HARTMAN: Yeah, I had missed a couple short putts, so I was starting to get a little irritated, but I just tried to stay patient, and I guess as I said, it luckily all worked out.

Q. Seemed like in the first two matches you cruised to big --

WILL HARTMAN: I wouldn't say cruised.

Q. You ended up winning pretty big margin. How did this match differ from those did you feel? Was this the first one you had trailed in?

WILL HARTMAN: Yeah, so I had never been 2-down through 3 in this one yet, so that was definitely a wake-up call that I needed to get it going again. Carson did not make it very easy. He was hitting a lot of really great golf shots, and it was hard. I'm just glad that we came out on top.

Q. The last two holes you picked up to close it out. Walk me through those, just with the shots and how you did versus Carson.

WILL HARTMAN: Yeah, we both hit it in the rough on 16, which is not the best spot to deal with the water, and he actually got a little unlucky that his went in the back bunker, and so I thought then short is better than long, so just try and err on the short side, and ended up being short for an easy up-and-down.

17, I hit a 3-wood instead of a driver today to just keep it short of all the trouble, and then ended up actually hitting the best shot of the day and one-hopped into the flagstick. It was a good finish.

Q. You chipped in?

WILL HARTMAN: It didn't go in but it one-hopped and hit the stick and went to four feet.

Q. How far out were you with that shot?

WILL HARTMAN: I think it was 110.

Q. What wedge did you hit?

WILL HARTMAN: 54-degree.

Q. Quite the finish.


Q. How does it feel to be a quarterfinalist in the Junior Am?

WILL HARTMAN: It feels awesome. I haven't really thought about it like that, to be honest. It's just try and keep going, keep winning some matches, and hopefully it'll all work out.

Q. What about the Ralston course suits your game and what do you feel you've been able to capitalize on?

WILL HARTMAN: I mean, it's a very hard golf course. Daniel island has done an amazing job, and it's in great shape. It is not easy out there with the wind, either, but I feel like I've been hitting the ball really well this week, and hopefully I can keep leaning on that to keep on going through match play.

Q. You're playing your first U.S. Junior Am, and I think you're one of the younger guys left. Have you had many nerves out there?

WILL HARTMAN: Oh, for sure. You're playing for a national championship. It's awesome. But I try and think of it more as just having fun. It's just another round of golf at the end of the day.

Q. How much do you know about your opponent tomorrow, Tommy?

WILL HARTMAN: I know he's tall, and he's really good, so it's going to be a lot of fun.

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