U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Rowan Sullivan

Quick Quotes

Q. Came back again and won it on 18 this time. How are you feeling right now?

ROWAN SULLIVAN: I'm so tired. It was a little sad having to do it to my roommate and someone that I'm getting to know well and is my friend out here. It sucks a little, but it's really awesome to be able to move on to the quarterfinals of the U.S. Junior in my hometown.

I'm just feeling such a mix of emotions right now and I'm too tired to process it all, so I'm going to have to go home, go to sleep and do it all again at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Q. What was it like playing Chase?

ROWAN SULLIVAN: He was an excellent ball striker and hit good shots all day. Started on the first hole, we both hit it to like 10 feet and we were just trading shot for shot. It was a bit of a pillow fight the first couple holes and I made some mistakes and gave up some easy wins to him, and then on the back I think both of us just realized how tired we were, and it was just kind of like giving it all we could.

I think I did a good job of staying in it. Chipped in on the par-5, 11th, for 5, and that kind of was like a reboot, like okay, I can do this.

Q. How far was that chip-in?


Q. Were you guys talking much throughout the round?

ROWAN SULLIVAN: Yeah, we were able to talk a bit. He was able to poke some fun at me. I gave him some fun back at him.

It was pretty cordial, and I'm glad that we got to play each other.

Q. You won four of the last five. Talk me through 14 and 16 and 17.

ROWAN SULLIVAN: 14, hit a 3-wood. It's always been my plan. Birdied it earlier today in the first match and hit it to five feet again in the second match and tapped in.

On 16, we were both in a bit of a spot of bother, hit it way right. He got a flier and went through the green and into the bunker, and then I was able to just hit it to the center of the green, two-putt and let him try to make par, and he ended up not getting up-and-down.

Then 17, he had a tough stance in the bunker. It was a little bit of a baseball swing, didn't get it to the green, and then had a tough chip from the front bunker all the way back to that pin.

It was just kind of making pars and making him beat me as it got closer and closer. On 18, that was exactly what I did. Just tried to do it as much as possible.

Q. Second match in a row you came back from 2-down on the back nine. When is it about that stretch of holes that suits your eye?

ROWAN SULLIVAN: I think it's my confidence in myself that I know how to do it. I won a match play tournament about two months ago earlier before I graduated, and it's been a valuable experience. I know I can do it. It's not about being down or up, it's about finishing out and trusting yourself.

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