U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Billy Davis

Quick Quotes

Q. Kind of a marathon day with a couple rounds in the heat. How are you feeling right now?

BILLY DAVIS: Legs are pretty tired for sure, but honestly, it didn't really feel that bad, but I was so focused on the match and everything that I wasn't really thinking about it.

Q. You're a quarterfinalist in your first U.S. Junior Amateur. How does that feel?

BILLY DAVIS: It feels good, obviously. It's been fun so far. I've been playing good. Just hope to continue it.

Q. Start with the afternoon match; you were down on the front just one and were able to get back. Talk me through some of the holes you won around the turn, 9 and 11.

BILLY DAVIS: 9, I made a pretty good putt from 10 feet for birdie. 11, I made a slider like six feet, and then 16 I actually chipped in from the right side of the green.

Q. How far would you say the chip was?

BILLY DAVIS: It was like a 20-yard pitch.

Q. What about this course has fit your eye and given you the opportunity to play so well here?

BILLY DAVIS: I mean, the fairways are pretty wide. If you just pay attention, you really should pretty much hit them a good percentage of the time. Greens, the same thing. If you just put yourself in the right spots on the greens, it's pretty gettable.

Q. Were you nervous at all out there, kind of getting later in the stage of this championship, or are you just confident swinging out there?

BILLY DAVIS: Well, I felt more confident than anything knowing that I probably had more experience, being tired. I just kind of used that to my advantage to help me get the win.

Q. What's the mindset going into tomorrow?

BILLY DAVIS: Obviously like the competition is a little bit better tomorrow, and I'm just going to have to play good to win a match like I have all week.

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