U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Joshua Bai

Quick Quotes

Q. Just talk about the finish, winning on the last hole, and tell me how you did it.

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, I was flushing it today, so I just did the same thing. Hit the fairway, hit the green, made the putt.

Q. But you got the lead on 14 and 15, winning those holes.


Q. Explain how you did that.

JOSHUA BAI: What hole is 14?

Q. 14 is where you got a birdie.

JOSHUA BAI: Oh, yeah, same thing. Just middle of the fairway and then just hit it tight.

Q. How many yards did you have to the hole?

JOSHUA BAI: I had 115 meters. Yeah, hit it to like --

Q. What club?

JOSHUA BAI: 50-degree into the wind, just kept it low, to like three feet.

Q. He cut it to one going to 17. Explain how you won the 17th hole.

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, 17, same thing, hit it in the middle of the fairway, hit it close, and then just putted it from six feet.

Q. Do you have a realization of where you are in this championship now that you're in the quarterfinals?

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, it's getting closer, getting towards the end.

Q. How exciting is it for you?

JOSHUA BAI: It's really exciting. Yeah, this tournament, I've been looking forward to it the past year. This was my main focus.

Q. Why did you circle this one on your calendar?

JOSHUA BAI: Because of the opportunities that it gives. Trying to get to the U.S. Open.

Q. Who was your favorite player growing up that you saw in the U.S. Open?

JOSHUA BAI: Well, one that really inspires me is Michael Campbell because he's a New Zealander. He won the U.S. Open at Pinehurst, which is where it's going to be next year, so really want to get to that.

Q. How do you feel about your game right now?

JOSHUA BAI: Trending good, yeah. Hitting it well, rolling it good, and yeah, I've just been trusting the process the whole week. I've been down in all my matches, but I know I'm hitting it good and putting well, so I've just been staying patient, and it's worked out well.

Q. When you're down in all your matches, how do you stay focused?

JOSHUA BAI: I don't really know. Just in the zone, and yeah, just trusting myself.

Q. Are you looking forward to tomorrow?

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah. Well, looking forward to sleeping and then playing more golf.

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