U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Billy Davis

Quick Quotes

Q. You got on a hot streak there and kind of pulled away. What were you doing well?

BILLY DAVIS: I mean, I was hitting fairways, and my ball-striking was really good. I had a few that were just tap-ins that he just gave to me that helped me get up early in the match.

He had a good momentum booster on No. 7. He chipped in for par. Then I rolled in like a 12-footer, which kind of set the tone for the match I felt like.

Q. Then you're credited with a birdie on 8 to go 2-up.

BILLY DAVIS: Yeah, 8, I stuffed it to like a foot and he just gave it to me, and he missed a pretty short putt on that hole.

Q. What club did you use on 8?

BILLY DAVIS: It was 130 and I hit a full gap wedge.

Q. You made the turn 3-up, and then got another birdie on 10.

BILLY DAVIS: 10, same thing, hit an 8-iron to about a foot, and he gave it to me.

Q. So you were really spot-on with your irons.


Q. Why were you so dialed in do you think today?

BILLY DAVIS: I don't know, it was pretty funny because the second round I was hitting it all over the place. I think it was just a few alignment issues, and today I was warming up on the range and I was hitting it really well.

Q. A long way to go yet, but your expectations of even getting to the semifinals, was that even in your mind when you entered the week?

BILLY DAVIS: No. I mean, the goal is to obviously make match play and get a good seed, and I had no idea I was going to make it to the semifinals. It's pretty crazy that I'm here so far.

Q. Obviously everyone knows about your sister; have you talked to her this week and has she given you any advice?

BILLY DAVIS: Yeah, she's been giving me a lot of advice, just telling me just focus on one shot at a time, head down, and just keep plugging away. That's all you can do. She's been really helpful so far. Just saying one play at a time, one shot at a time, and just focus on yourself and just playing almost how you would play in stroke play, just fairways and greens, and you'll be tough to beat.

Q. Have you watched her play in her events previously, and did you learn anything from her that would maybe help you this week?

BILLY DAVIS: I haven't -- not in any match play events, but I've watched her play before. One thing that I really like is how she carries herself, how she walks. She walks like she's leading a golf tournament every time, even when she's not winning.

I think it's one thing that I can take away from her for sure.

Q. Did you notice that Rowan had any extra support today since he's kind of a local?


Q. Did that present any challenge for you at all?

BILLY DAVIS: No, it was kind of good for me because it kind of motivated me more to hit better shots. He would hit one close, and they'd all cheer for him, and I'd try to hit one even better.

Q. Did they cheer when you hit it even better then?

BILLY DAVIS: It was pretty quiet.

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