U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Will Hartman

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice little birthday present, getting to the semifinals?

WILL HARTMAN: Yes, sir, it is pretty nice. I'm looking forward to it. It was a lot of fun. Tommy played great golf today, and he did not make it very easy, but it was a lot of fun.

Q. What made it possible for you to win the match?

WILL HARTMAN: I guess towards the middle of the round I started to get some momentum, some putts started to fall, and just tried to keep rattling off pars and hope he didn't win any holes.

Q. You had a stretch there where you won three straight holes on the outward nine, 4, 5 and 6. What were some of the key shots in that stretch?

WILL HARTMAN: I'd say for sure it was the birdie putt on 4, making a pretty long putt up and over a hill. That kind of kick-started things.

Then 5 I made a really nice birdie again, and 6, Tommy didn't hit the best drive, and it just allowed me to kind of play a little safer and still ended up winning the hole.

Q. How long was the putt on 4?

WILL HARTMAN: It was probably 30 feet, 25 feet up and over the hill.

Q. He cut into the lead on the back. You were still 1-up. But then you won 13 and 14. Tell me with winning those two holes?

WILL HARTMAN: 13, definitely I got a break there. I actually chipped in, and he had about 20 feet for birdie, and I think if I didn't make it, he probably would have made it. But match play stuff happened, and it ended up flipping.

Then 14, I hit a pretty good wedge and was able to make it.

Q. Tell me about the distance on the chip-in on 13 and what club you used?

WILL HARTMAN: It was a 58-degree. It was about five yards off the front of the green, and the pin was probably eight yards on the green. I thought I hit it a little short when I hit it, but it ended up getting there thankfully.

Q. How dicey did it get at the end when he closed the gap there?

WILL HARTMAN: Yeah, he made it stressful. His up-and-down on 17 was incredible, and he definitely made it harder than it needed to be. So hats off to him; it was awesome.

Q. Was your strategy to play 18 as a three-shot hole?

WILL HARTMAN: Yeah, my caddie wanted me to hit 3-wood there. Didn't matter what the scenario was.

Q. What was your yardage on your shot into the green?

WILL HARTMAN: It was 100 yards, it was 54-degree. Came up a little short, but luckily we tied the hole and got it done.

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