U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Tommy Morrison

Quick Quotes

Q. Came down to the wire there. Talk me through the whole match. You were down 3, win the last couple, and coming to 18.

TOMMY MORRISON: Yeah, the match was great. I think I had opportunities early that I didn't convert on. Back and forth a little bit all day. Will took over there for a little bit in the middle of the round. He chipped in and made a nice birdie there in the middle of the back nine, got it to 3-up and nearly dormie. Made a couple nice pars coming in and was lucky for it to go to 18. I had an opportunity to advance to a playoff there and didn't.

But regardless, Will is a great player. He's young. He's doing great. He played really steady all day. He's going to be tough to beat. Kudos to him.

Q. What are a couple takeaways from the week?

TOMMY MORRISON: Yeah, I love it. Any USGA event is special. The USGA does a great job. The USGA is a special organization. I'm glad I could come back to another U.S. Junior. It's something I wasn't even thinking about six months ago, and thankfully I don't turn 19 for another couple weeks, so I got to play, and I'm so glad I did.

There's a lot to build off of this week, and I had a lot of nice golf this week. I'm happy with where I'm at. I look forward to more USGA events in the future.

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