U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Bryan Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a comeback on the last two holes. What did that feel like?

BRYAN KIM: It felt really good. I felt like I wasn't hitting it great all day, and then Edan was playing really well, making a lot of birdies. I felt like I was telling my caddie, I was due to make some putts and hit some good shots.

Then 17 it was drivable, so I knew I could take advantage of it. Hit it in the green-side bunker, got up-and-down for birdie, which was huge.

Then had a perfect number in on 18, and then I just hit two quality golf shots.

Q. How long was that shot --

BRYAN KIM: It was 128. It was raining a little bit, so I hit a gap wedge, played it the number, and then hit it pin high, had about 12 feet, then hit a good putt.

Q. What did you see on that putt?

BRYAN KIM: At first I was like, oh, this is going to break a good bit, and then I felt it out, didn't feel as much, and then Justin asked me, what does your gut tell you. Aimed at it -- my caddie -- and then I just hit a good putt.

Q. What's the emotion when that ball drops in?

BRYAN KIM: It feels really good. I play golf for moments like this, and just like I knew it was in right when I hit it. There's no better feeling.

Q. Here we are in the semifinals against Will Hartman --

BRYAN KIM: Yeah, my guy.

Q. You've got to play him on his birthday. What's that going to be like?

BRYAN KIM: I'll try to show him no mercy, but we'll have a lot of fun out there. I'm really excited. Shout-out to Mark Oskarson. Go east!

Q. Have you played against him before?

BRYAN KIM: I played with him like two years ago at Rolex TOC, AJGA, but he was like six inches shorter then, 30 pounds lighter. I love the kid, so I'm excited.

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