U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Will Hartman

Quick Quotes

Q. Seemed like you guys are pretty close; what was it like just playing Bryan out there today?

WILL HARTMAN: It was awesome. We've gotten to be really good friends over the years, and I knew it was going to be a lot of fun. We both got off to kind of a rocky start, not the best. But I knew that if I just kept trying to dig my way out of it, it would work, but Bryan ended up playing some really good golf, and just wasn't able to get it done today in the afternoon.

Q. What were some of the takeaways from the week. You had a heck of a run playing in your first U.S. Junior Amateur and making it to the semis.

WILL HARTMAN: Yeah, I'll be honest, you always want to try and win, but I did not think I would make it this far. I was just thrilled that I was able to, and it was awesome. Learned a lot from it.

Q. Did you have some fun out there today on your birthday?

WILL HARTMAN: Oh, it was awesome. Great birthday gift.

Q. What else is coming up on your schedule?

WILL HARTMAN: I'm actually driving with some friends to the Junior PGA in Arkansas tomorrow, so that'll be fun, and then we've got another four-day tournament. A lot of golf this last two weeks, but it's a lot of fun.

Q. What does a week like this do for your confidence going forward?

WILL HARTMAN: I mean, it raises it a lot. These are some of the best juniors in the world, and to be able to finish T-3rd out of all of them, it's really cool.

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