U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Billy Davis

Quick Quotes

Q. You fought until the end in the semifinal match. Just talk me through that last match.

BILLY DAVIS: Yeah, I mean, when you're 5-down there's not much you can really do but just try to hit the next shot as best you can. Took a lot of pressure off me for sure, and I just was free-swinging it and hit one close on 15 and then made a long one on 16, which felt good.

Q. It seemed like you were striking the ball so well yesterday and then in the morning today. It seemed like maybe you were missing your irons a little bit this afternoon. What do you think was going on?

BILLY DAVIS: Usually later in the day when you're tired, you tend to swing faster, and I think I just -- my timing was just off. I hit a lot of shots right, and I think it was just timing from being tired.

Q. Semifinals in your first U.S. Junior Amateur. You have a lot to be proud of this week. What are some of the takeaways?

BILLY DAVIS: Well, I learned that I can hit a good shot when it matters, because before I felt like maybe I'm not that great under pressure, but this whole week I hit a lot of really good shots under a lot of pressure.

Q. Moving forward, what more does this do for your confidence, heading back to your high school season this fall?

BILLY DAVIS: Yeah, I've got a few big tournaments coming up after this the rest of the summer. I've been playing pretty good, and this week just helps for sure with the confidence. Hoping it'll just help me play better in my next few events.

Q. Did you get some messages from teammates back home or some family and friends back in California?

BILLY DAVIS: Yeah, a lot of people sending me videos and congratulating me. It's just been a really fun week, and I'm just thankful for everything that happened.

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