U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Joshua Bai

Quick Quotes

Q. You were really spot on this morning, especially in that four-hole stretch where you played 5-under for four holes. Talk about how hot you got there.

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, so I was just really in the zone there. Everything was clicking. Just all came together at that point.

Q. That 3-wood that you cut into 14, talk about that shot that you hit there.

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, my caddie asked me, do you want to leave it out to the right, have a good angle to chip it, or do you just want to go for it. I said, I'm feeling pretty good, just going to cut it off that bunker, just go straight for it, and it worked out.

Q. How did you feel at the break when you had the 1-up lead?

JOSHUA BAI: Pretty normal, I guess. Made a nice putt, nice save on 18. That was pretty good. Big moment there.

Q. What did you see in that putt? Obviously you had a little trouble coming out of that rough above the bunker, and then you had about 14 feet or so?

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, something like that, yeah.

Q. What did you see in the putt?

JOSHUA BAI: About a cup right to left. Pretty flat at the start and then breaks at the end, and yeah, read it with quite well. Hit it with good pace, and it dropped.

Q. This afternoon he took the lead back, but you're still right there. How do you feel at the end of the day knowing you have more golf tomorrow?

JOSHUA BAI: I still feel good. It's not like I'm playing bad. Brian has just been dropping putts from everywhere. I think if I just keep playing my game and then have a good finish tomorrow, 10 holes left, I'm only 1-down, so I'm still in a good spot.

Q. Considering how hot it is and everything, do you think it'll be to anyone's advantage to get a fresh start in the morning?

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, I guess he was sort of on a heater, so I think it would benefit me to have a fresh start because the momentum was riding his way. So I think it'll be good.

Q. What do you think the key is for you tomorrow as you look to the finish here? What do you have to do well to win this?

JOSHUA BAI: We're both playing so good right now. Just have to keep staying on top of my game, hit it well, make some putts.

Q. Are you surprised at the level of play? The level of play has been really high all day long.

JOSHUA BAI: I guess I did expect it, yeah. We're both in the finals, right? Two guys in the best form here. Yeah, the quality of golf, it was really fun out there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
135459-1-1002 2023-07-29 22:22:00 GMT

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